Blog Business & Networking Better Than Siri: What Your Virtual Assistant Can Do For You

Better Than Siri: What Your Virtual Assistant Can Do For You

Better Than Siri: What Your Virtual Assistant Can Do For You


As an entrepreneur, you are used to doing everything yourself. However, at a certain point, you'll have to start handing off tasks to someone else. Staffing takes time and money, and keeping a staff requires space. So, what if you want an assistant but don't want to go through the hassle of finding and hiring them? The solution is to hire a virtual assistant, and no we are not talking about letting Siri run your business. An effective virtual assistant can help you focus on what matters, and deal with all the other moving pieces. If you are curious about hiring a virtual assistant, here's just a few things he or she can do for you.

 1.       Bookkeeping and Database Entries

 Data is fickle and takes time. From keeping track of emails to following up with contacts, virtual assistants can keep you on top of your game and keep you from falling behind. Virtual assistants can also help keep appointments in order and your schedule clear. On the financial side of the business, virtual assistants can also contribute to keeping track of spending and help with putting together expense reports.

 2.       Scheduling and Travel

 Keeping your calendar organized while you are running a business can get overwhelming. A virtual assistant can keep your schedule in order so you can deal with what's important. From scheduling interviews and appointments to reminding you that you promised your grandparents you would come to dinner, a virtual assistant can keep everything together. Scheduling becomes even trickier when you are traveling, but a virtual assistant can help you there also. They can schedule travel, and take care of everything so all you have to worry about it being at the airport on time.

 3.       Research

 Research is the backbone of success, and although you might have been able to do it when you first started the business, the task may be getting overwhelming now. To keep up with the market, you have to keep up with the research, and a virtual assistant can do that for you. An assistant can stay on top of trends and provide a summary of the important points. According to Entrepreneur, common requests include finding information on corporate websites, exploring new products, and vetting potential employees or business contacts. 

 4.       Communication

 Getting back to people takes time, but the importance of building relationships should never be understated in business. A virtual assistant can help handle answering emails, calling people back, and organizing your inbox. In many cases, they'll respond to the phone in your businesses' name, so current and potential clients will think they are speaking with an employee of your company, rather than a virtual assistant you've hired.

 5.       Organization

A virtual assistant can help you keep everything in order, so you do not have to worry about it. When you are dealing with pertinent tasks, the last thing you want is not to be able to find a previous correspondence or piece of information. A virtual assistant can make sure that everything or organized and accessible, so you do not have to think even about it.

A virtual assistant could help you grow your business. By taking care of tasks that just take time, they will let you focus on what you have to do, and let you complete it to the best of your ability. You can use a virtual assistant in any setting, including at Servcorp's virtual offices

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